Protolipterna Cifelli, 1983
P. ellipsodontoides Cifelli, 1983 * 10 (type loc.
Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Miguelsoria Cifelli, 1983
M. parayirunhor Paula Couto, 1952 * [Ernestokokenia parayirunhor
Paula Couto, 1952] 8d, 10 (type loc. Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí,
Asmithwoodwardia Ameghino, 1901 (Didolodontidae?)
Later species: A. subtrigona Ameghino, 1901 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
A. scotti Paula Couto, 1952 9 (type loc. Itaboraian/Riochican
Itaboraí, Brazil)
Notonychops Soria, 1989
N. powelli Soria, 1989 * 11b (type loc. Itaboraian Aguas Chiquitas, Argentina)
Requisia Bonaparte & Morales, 1997
R. vidmari Bonaparte & Morales,
1997 * 10 (type loc. Peligran Punta Peligro, Argentina)
Wainka Simpson, 1935
W. tshotshe Simpson, 1935 * 10 (type loc. Itaboraian Cerro
Redondo, Argentina)
Anisolambda Ameghino, 1901 [incorrectly Anissolambda]
= Eulambda Ameghino, 1904
= Josepholeidya Ameghino, 1901 10
Later species: A. fissidens Ameghino, 1901 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
A. sp. (Riochican Bajo de la Palangana, Argentina)
Ricardolydekkeria Ameghino, 1901
= Heterolambda Ameghino, 1904
= Lopholambda Ameghino, 1904
Later species: R. praerupta Ameghino, 1901 (type loc. Casamayoran
Chubut, Argentina)
R. sp. 10 (Riochican Bajo de la Palangana, Argentina)
Paranisolambda Cifelli, 1983
P. prodromus (Paula Couto, 1952) * [Anisolambda prodromus Paula
Couto, 1952] 10 (type loc. Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Henricosbornia Ameghino, 1901
= Hemistylops Ameghino, 1904
= Microstylops Ameghino, 1901
= Pantostylops Ameghino, 1901
= Polystylops Ameghino, 1904
= Prohyracotherium Ameghino, 1902
= Selenoconus Ameghino, 1901
= Monolophodon Roth, 1903
Occurrence uncertain: H. lophodonta Ameghino, 1901 * 11b
(type loc. Casamayoran Patagonia, Argentina, questionably also Riochican Bajo
de la Palangana, Argentina)
= H. alouatina Ameghino, 1904
= H. subconica Ameghino, 1904
= Selenoconus centralis Ameghino, 1901 *
= Selenoconus senex Ameghino, 1901
= Selenoconus spiculatus Ameghino, 1902
= Pantostylops typus Ameghino, 1901 *
= Pantostylops completus Ameghino, 1902
= Hemistylops incompletus (Ameghino, 1901) * [Pantostylops
incompletus Ameghino, 1901]
= Hemistylops paucicuspidatus Ameghino, 1904
= Hemistylops trigonostyloides Ameghino, 1904
= Microstylops clarus Ameghino, 1901 *
= Microstylops monoconus Ameghino, 1904
= Prohyracotherium patagonicum Ameghino, 1902 *
= Prohyracotherium matutinum Ameghino, 1902
= Polystylops progrediens Ameghino, 1904 *
H. waitehor Simpson, 1935 10 (type loc. Itaboraian Cañadón Hondo, Argentina)
H. minuta (Roth, 1903) [Monolophodon minutus Roth, 1903 *, Polystylops?
minutus] 11a (type loc. Itaboraian or Riochican Pan de Azúcar,
Peripantostylops Ameghino, 1904
Later species: P. minutus (Ameghino, 1901) * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
P.? orehor Simpson, 1935 11 (type loc. Itaboraian Cañadón
Hondo, Argentina)
Othnielmarshia Ameghino, 1901
= Postpithecus Ameghino, 1901
?= Camargomendesia Paula Couto, 1978
Later species: O. lacunifera Ameghino, 1901 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
Occurrence uncertain: O.? sp. 10 (Riochican Bajo de la
Palangana, Argentina)
Camargomendesia Paula Couto, 1978 (questionable
synonym of Othnielmarshia Ameghino, 1901)
C. pristina Paula Couto, 1978 * [Othnielmarshia pristina] 11b
(type loc. Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Simpsonotus Pascual, Vucetich & Fernandez,
S. praecursor Pascual, Vucetich & Fernandez, 1978 11b (type
loc. Peligran? SSW of Tres Cruces, Argentina)
S. major Pascual, Vucetich & Fernandez, 1978 11b (type
loc. Peligran? SSW of Tres Cruces, Argentina)
Seudenius Simpson, 1935 (family uncertain)
S. cteronc Simpson, 1935 * 11 (type loc. Itaboraian
Notostylops Ameghino, 1897
= Anastylops Ameghino, 1897
= Catastylops Ameghino, 1901
= Pliostylops Ameghino, 1901
= Entelostylops Ameghino, 1901
= Isostylops Ameghino, 1902
= Eostylops Ameghino, 1901
Later species: N. murinus Ameghino, 1897 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
N. sp. 11b (Riochican Patagonia, Argentina)
Soria, 1989
S. bonapartei Soria, 1989 * 11b (type loc. Itaboraian Aguas Chiquitas, Argentina)
Isotemnus Ameghino, 1897
= Amphitemnus Ameghino, 1904
= Dimerostephanus Ameghino, 1902
= Eochalicotherium Ameghino, 1901
= Prostylops Ameghino, 1897
= Lelfunia Roth, 1902
Later species: I. primitivus Ameghino, 1897 * (type loc. Casamayoran Patagonia, Argentina)
I. haugi (Roth, 1902) [Lelfunia haugi Roth, 1902 *] 10 (type
loc. Itaboraian or Riochican Pan de Azúcar, Argentina)
I.? ctalego Simpson, 1935 11a (type loc. Itaboraian Cañadón
Hondo, Argentina)
Pleurostylodon Ameghino, 1897
= Anchistrum Ameghino, 1901
= Coelostylops Ameghino, 1901
= Dialophus Ameghino, 1901
= Parastylops Ameghino, 1897
= Paratemnus Ameghino, 1904
= Porotemnus Ameghino, 1902
= Tychostylops Ameghino, 1901 [incorrectly Tichostylops]
Later species: P. modicus Ameghino, 1897 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
Occurrence uncertain: P.? sp. 11 (Riochican Bajo de la
Palangana, Argentina)
Kibenikhoria Simpson, 1935
K. get Simpson, 1935 * 10 (type loc. Itaboraian Cañadón
Hondo, Argentina)
Colbertia Paula Couto, 1952
C. magellanica (Price & Paula Couto, 1950) * [Henricosbornia
magellanica Price & Paula Couto, 1950] 10 (type loc.
Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Itaboraitherium Paula Couto, 1970
I. atavum (Paula Couto, 1954) * [Homalostylops atavus Paula
Couto, 1954] 11a (type loc. Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Oldfieldthomasia Ameghino, 1901
Later species: O. debilitata (Ameghino, 1901) * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
O. sp. 11b (Riochican Patagonia)
Maxschlosseria Ameghino, 1901
= Paracoelodus Ameghino, 1904
M. praeterita Ameghino, 1901 11b (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
Notopithecus Ameghino, 1897 [incorrectly Nothopithecus]
= Adpithecus Ameghino, 1901
= Epipithecus Ameghino, 1904
= Gonopithecus Ameghino, 1904 [incorrectly Goniopithecus]
= Pseudadiantus Ameghino, 1904
Later species: N. adapinus Ameghino, 1897 * (type loc.
N. sp. 10 (Riochican
Transpithecus Ameghino, 1901
Later species: T. obtentus Ameghino, 1901 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Chubut, Argentina)
Occurrence uncertain: T.? sp. 10 (Itaboraian Cañadón Hondo,
Archaeopithecus Ameghino, 1897
Later species: A. rogeri Ameghino, 1897 (type loc.
A. sp. 11b (
Eohyrax Ameghino, 1901
Later species: E. rusticus Ameghino, 1901 * (type loc. Casamayoran
Patagonia, Argentina)
Occurrence uncertain: E.? sp. 11 (Riochican Bajo de la
Palangana, Argentina)
Thaler, 1967
P. altiplanense Thaler, 1967 * 11b (type loc. Tiupampan
Laguna Umayo, Peru)
Brandmayria Cabrera, 1935
B. simpsoni Cabrera, 1935 * 11a (type loc. Riochican Bajo de
la Palangana, Argentina)
Arctostylops Matthew, 1915
A. steini Matthew, 1915 * 11a, 11c (type loc. Clarkforkian?
Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
Palaeostylops Matthew & Granger, 1925
(considered as synonym of Arctostylops by
Dashzeveg (1982), considered as valid by Cifelli,
Schaff & McKenna (1989))
= Gashatostylops Cifelli, Schaff & McKenna, 1989 (synonym fide Meng, Zhai & Wyss (1998),
Kondrashov & Lucas (2004), Missiaen & Smith (2008))
P. iturus Matthew & Granger, 1925 * 10, 11c [Arctostylops
iturus, Dashzeveg, 1982, Dashzeveg
& Russell, 1988, Palaeostylops iturus, Cifelli, Schaff &
McKenna, 1989, Kondrashov & Lucas, 2004] (type loc. Gashatan
Gashato, Mongolia)
P. macrodon Matthew, Granger & Simpson, 1929 * 11a, 11c [Arctostylops
macrodon, Dashzeveg, 1982,
Dashzeveg & Russell, 1988, Gashatostylops macrodon *, Cifelli,
Schaff & McKenna, 1989, Palaeostylops macrodon, Kondrashov
& Lucas, 2004] (type loc. Gashatan Gashato, Mongolia)
Sinostylops Tang & Yan, 1976
S. promissus Tang & Yan, 1976 * 11b, 11c (type loc.
Nongshanian Qianshan Basin, China)
Bothriostylops Zheng & Huang, 1986
B. notios Zheng & Huang, 1986 * 11c (type loc.
B. progressus (Tang & Yan, 1976) 11b, 11c [Sinostylops
progressus Tang & Yan, 1976, Bothriostylops
progressus, Zheng & Huang, 1986] (type loc.
B. medius Huang & Zheng, 2003 11c
(type loc.
Asiostylops Zheng, 1979
A. spanios Zheng, 1979 * 11b, 11c (type loc. Nongshanian
Chijiang Basin, China)
Kazachostylops Nessov, 1987
K. occidentalis Nessov, 1987 * 11c (type loc. Gashatan Zhylga
1a, Kazakhstan)
Allostylops Zheng, 1979 (family uncertain)
A. periconotus Zheng, 1979 * 11b, 11c [Allostylops
periconatus (sic), Cifelli, Schaff
& McKenna, 1989] (type loc. Nongshanian Chijiang Basin, China)
Wanostylops Huang & Zheng, 1997
W. youngi Huang & Zheng, 1997 * 11c
(type loc.
W. promissus Huang, 2003 11c
(type loc.
Eoastrapostylops Soria & Powell, 1981
E. riolorense Soria & Powell, 1981 * 11a (type loc.
Itaboraian Aguas Chiquitas, Argentina)
Trigonostylops Ameghino, 1897 [incorrectly Trigonostilops]
= Staurodon Roth, 1899 (preoccupied)
= Chiodon Berg, 1899 (replacement for Staurodon)
Later species: T. wortmani Ameghino, 1897 * (type loc.
T. sp. 11a (Riochican
Tetragonostylops Paula Couto, 1963
T. apthomasi (Price & Paula Couto, 1950) * [Trigonostylops
apthomasi Price & Paula Couto, 1950] 11a (type loc.
Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Shecenia Simpson, 1935
S. ctirneru Simpson, 1935 * 11a (type loc. Itaboraian Cañadón
Hondo, Argentina)
Etayoa Villarroel, 1987
E. bacatensis Villarroel, 1987 * 11d (type loc. Itaboraian
South of Bogotá City, Colombia)
Notoetayoa Gelfo, López & Bond, 2008
N. gargantuai Gelfo, López &
Bond, 2008 * 11d (type loc. Itaboraian between Puerto Visser and
Bahía Bustamante, Argentina)
Carodnia Simpson, 1935
= Ctalecarodnia Simpson, 1935
C. feruglioi Simpson, 1935 * 12a, 11d (type loc. Itaboraian
Bajo de la Palangana, Argentina)
= Ctalecarodnia cabrerai Simpson, 1935 * (type loc. Itaboraian
C. vieirai Paula Couto, 1952 12a, 11d (type loc. Itaboraian/
Prodinoceras Matthew, Granger & Simpson, 1929
= Mongolotherium Flerov, 1952
= Jiaoluotherium Tong, 1978
= Houyanotherium Tong, 1978
= Phenaceras Tong, 1979
= Ganatherium Tong, 1979
= Pyrodon Zhai, 1978
P. martyr Matthew, Granger & Simpson, 1929 * 11d, 12a (type
loc. Gashatan Gashato,
= Mongolotherium plantigradum Flerov, 1952 * 11d, 12b (type
loc. Gashatan Ulan-Bulak, Mongolia)
= Mongolotherium efremovi Flerov, 1957 11d, 12b [Prodinoceras efremovi, Missiaen &
Smith, 2008] (type loc. Gashatan Ulan-Bulak, Mongolia) (synonym fide Russell & Zhai (1987),
provisionally regarded as valid by Missiaen & Smith (2008))
P. turfanensis Chow, 1960 [Jiaoluotherium turfanense *,
incorrectly P. turfanense] 11d, 12b (type loc. Gashatan
Turpan Basin, China)
P. primigenium (Tong, 1978) [Houyanotherium primigenium Tong,
1978] 11d (type loc. Gashatan Turpan Basin, China)
P. simplum (Tong, 1978) [Houyanotherium simplum Tong, 1978] 11d
(type loc. Gashatan Turpan Basin, China)
P. diconicus Tong, 1978 11d (type loc. Gashatan Turpan Basin,
P. lacustris (Tong, 1979) [Phenaceras lacustris Tong, 1979 *] 11d
(type loc. Gashatan Chijiang Basin)
= Ganatherium australis Tong, 1979 * (type loc. Gashatan Chijiang Basin)
P. xinjiangensis (Zhai, 1978) [Pyrodon xinjiangensis Zhai, 1978
*] 11d (type loc. Gashatan Turpan Basin, China)
Probathyopsis Simpson, 1929
= Bathyopsoides Patterson, 1939
= Prouintatherium Dorr, 1958
P. praecursor Simpson, 1929 * 11a, 11d (type loc.
Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
= P. successor Jepsen, 1930 (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin,
= Prouintatherium hobackensis Dorr, 1958 * (type loc. Clarkforkian
Hoback Basin, Wyoming)
P. harrisorum (Patterson, 1939) [Bathyopsoides harrisorum
Patterson, 1939 *] 11d, 12a (type loc. Clarkforkian Plateau Valley,
= P. newbilli Patterson, 1939 11d, 12b (type loc.
Clarkforkian Plateau Valley, Colorado)
Bemalambda Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973
B. nanhsiungensis Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973 * 12b, 12c [B.
nanshiungensis (sic), Sloan, 1987]
(type loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin, China)
B. pachyoesteus Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973 12b, 12c [B.
pachyosteus (sic), South China
“Redbeds” Research Group, 1977] (type loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin,
B. crassa Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973 12b, 12c (type
loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin, China)
B. shizikouensis Wang & Ding, 1979 12b, 12c (type loc.
Shanghuan Chijiang Basin)
B. zhoui Xue, Zhang, Bi, Yue & Chen, 1996 12d (type loc.
Shanghuan Shimen Basin, China)
B. dingae Li, 2005 12d (type
loc. Shanghuan Chijiang Basin, China)
Hypsilolambda Wang, 1975
H. chalingensis Wang, 1975 * 12b, 12c (type loc.
H. impensa Wang, 1975 12b, 12c (type loc.
Harpyodus Qiu & Li, 1977
= Wanglia Van Valen, 1988
H. euros Qiu & Li, 1977 * 12b, 12d (type loc.
H. decorus Wang, 1979 12a, 12c [Wanglia decora Van
Valen, 1988, Harpyodus decorus, de
Muizon & Marshall, 1992] (type loc.
H. progressus Huang & Zheng, 1997
12d (type loc.
Pastoralodon Chow & Qi, 1978
= Convallisodon Chow & Qi, 1978 (synonym fide Lucas (1982), Huang (1997))
P. lacustris Chow & Qi, 1978 * 12b, 12d (type loc.
Gashatan Nomogen, China)
P. trofimovi (Flerov & Dashzeveg, 1974) 12b, 12d [Archaeolambda trofimovi Flerov
& Dashzeveg, 1974, Pastoralodon
trofimovi, Lucas, 1982, Huang, 1997] (type loc. Gashatan Khaychin-Ula 1,
= Convallisodon convexus Chow & Qi, 1978 * 12b, 12d [Pastoralodon
convexus, Lucas, 1982, Russell
& Zhai, 1987] (type loc. Gashatan Nomogen, China, synonym fide Huang (1997))
= Convallisodon haliutensis Chow & Qi, 1978 12b, 12d [Pastoralodon haliutensis,
Lucas, 1982, Russell & Zhai, 1987, Wang, Hu, Chow & Li, 1998]
(type loc. Gashatan Nomogen, China, synonym fide
Huang (1997))
Altilambda Chow & Wang, 1978
A. pactus Chow & Wang, 1978 * 12b, 12d (type loc.
Shanghuan Qianshan Basin, China)
A. tenuis Chow & Wang, 1978 12b, 12d (type loc. Shanghuan
Qianshan Basin, China)
A. minor Tong, 1982 12b, 12d (type loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong
Basin, China)
A. yujingensis Wang, Yu & Li, 1992 12d (type loc.
Shanghuan Qianshan Basin, China)
Huananius Huang & Zheng, 1999 (included in
Tillodontia, family Esthonychidae by Huang & Zheng (1999), included in
Pantodonta, probably Pastoralodontidae, by Wang & Jin (2004))
H. youngi Huang & Zheng, 1999 * 12d
(type loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin, China)
Archaeolambda Flerov, 1952
= Dilambda Tong, 1978 (synonym fide
Lucas (1982), Huang (1997))
= Oroklambda Dashzeveg, 1980 (synonym
fide Lucas (1982), Huang (1997))
A. planicanina Flerov, 1952 * 12b, 12c [Haplolambda
planicanina, Simons, 1960, Archaeolambda
planicanina, Kielan-Jaworowska, 1968] (type loc. Gashatan
Naran-Bulak, Mongolia)
A. tabiensis Huang, 1977 12b, 12c (type loc. Nongshanian
Qianshan Basin, China)
A. yangtzeensis Huang, 1978 12b, 12c (type loc. Gashatan
Xuancheng Basin, China)
A. speciosa (Tong, 1978) 12b, 12c [Dilambda speciosa * Tong, 1978, Archaeolambda speciosa, Lucas, 1982] (type loc. Gashatan Turpan
Basin, China)
= A. zhuguikengensis (Tong, 1982) 12b, 12c [Dilambda
zhuguikengensis Tong, 1982]
(type loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China, synonym fide Wang (1993) (unpublished dissertation), Wang, Hu, Chow &
Li (1998))
A. micron Ting, Schiebout &
Zheng, 1996 12d (type loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin, China)
Nanlingilambda Tong, 1979 (considered as synonym
of Archaeolambda by Lucas (1982),
considered as valid by Wang (1993) (unpublished dissertation), Wang, Hu, Chow
& Li (1998) and Huang (1997))
N. chijiangensis Tong, 1979 * 12b, 12d [Archaeolambda
chijiangensis Ting, 1998, p. 130, Nanlingilambda
chijiangensis Ting, 1998, p. 137] (type loc. Nongshanian Chijiang
Basin, China, considered as synonym of Archaeolambda
speciosa by Lucas (1982), considered as valid by by Wang (1993)
(unpublished dissertation), Wang, Hu, Chow & Li (1998) and Huang (1997))
= Archaeolambda dayuensis Tong, 1979 12b, 12c (type loc.
Nongshanian Chijiang Basin, China, synonym fide
Huang (1997))
N. datangensis Huang & Zheng,
2003 12d (type loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China)
Guichilambda Huang & Chen, 1997
G. zhaii Huang & Chen, 1997 * 12d (type loc. Gashatan
Tongling Basin, China)
Alcidedorbignya de Muizon & Marshall, 1987
A. inopinata de Muizon & Marshall, 1987 * 12b, 12d (type
loc. Tiupampan Tiupampa, Bolivia)
Pantolambda Cope, 1882
P. bathmodon Cope, 1882 * 11a, 12c (type loc. Torrejonian San
Juan Basin, New Mexico)
P. cavirictum Cope, 1883 [Pantolambda
cavirictus Cope, 1883, Pantolambda
cavirictum, Rose, 1981, Pantolambda cavirictis (sic), Granger, 1917, p. 825, Simpson, 1929, p. 7,
Matthew, 1937, p. 182, Rose & Krause, 1982, Sloan, 1987, Pantolambda
cavirictius (sic), de Muizon & Marshall, 1992] 12a, 12c (type
loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
P. intermedium Simpson, 1935 [Pantolambda intermedius Simpson, 1935, Pantolambda intermedium,
Rose, 1981] 12a, 12c (type loc. Torrejonian Gidley Quarry,
= P. simpsoni (Simons, 1960) [Titanoides simpsoni Simons, 1960, Lucas, 1998, Pantolambda
simpsoni, Lucas, 1982 (considered as possible synonym of P. intermedium)]
12a (type loc. Torrejonian Gidley Quarry, Montana, synonym fide Gingerich & Childress (1983),
Lucas (1984), Gingerich (1996))
Caenolambda Gazin, 1956
C. pattersoni Gazin, 1956 * 12a, 12c (type loc. Tiffanian
near Saddle Locality, Wyoming)
C. jepseni Simons, 1960 [“Caenolambda” jepseni, Gingerich & Childress, 1983
(considered as possible species of Barylambda), Caenolambda jepseni,
Lucas, 1998, Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer, 2006] 12a,
12c (type loc. Tiffanian Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
Barylambda Patterson, 1937
B. faberi (Patterson, 1933) * [Titanoides faberi Patterson, 1933, Barylambda faberi,
Patterson, 1937] 11a, 12c (type loc. Clarkforkian Plateau
Valley, Colorado)
B. jackwilsoni Schiebout, 1974 12b, 12e (type loc. Tiffanian
Ray's Bone Bed, Texas, considered as probable synonym of “Caenolambda” jepseni by Gingerich & Childress (1983), considered
as valid by Lucas (1998))
Leptolambda Patterson & Simons, 1958
(considered as synonym of Barylambda
by Gingerich & Childress (1983), considered as valid by Lucas (1998),
Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer (2006))
L. schmidti Patterson & Simons, 1958 * 12a (type loc.
Clarkforkian Plateau Valley, Colorado, considered as synonym of Barylambda faberi by Gingerich &
Childress (1983), considered as valid by Lucas (1998))
churchilli (Gingerich & Childress, 1983) 12c [Barylambda
churchilli Gingerich & Childress, 1983, Lucas, 1998, Leptolambda
churchilli, Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer, 2006] (type
loc. Tiffanian Airport Quarry, Wyoming)
Haplolambda Patterson, 1939
H. quinni Patterson, 1939 * 12a, 12c (type loc.
H. simpsoni Miller, 1986 12d [Cf. Haplolambda simpsoni
Miller, 1986, Haplolambda simpsoni,
Lucas, 1998] (type loc. Tiffanian or
Ignatiolambda Simons, 1960 (considered as
probable synonym of Haplolambda
by Gingerich & Childress (1983), considered as valid by Lucas
I. barnesi Simons, 1960 * 12a, 12e (type loc. Clarkforkian
Plateau Valley, Colorado, considered as probable synonym of Haplolambda quinni by Gingerich &
Childress (1983), considered as valid by Lucas (1998))
Titanoides Gidley, 1917
= Sparactolambda Patterson, 1939 12a (synonym fide Gazin (1956))
T. primaevus Gidley, 1917 * 11a, 12c (type loc. Tiffanian Titanoides
primaevus type locality, North Dakota)
= T. looki (Patterson, 1939) [Sparactolambda looki Patterson,
1939 *, Titanoides looki, Gingerich,
1996] 12d (type loc. Clarkforkian Plateau Valley, Colorado, synonym fide Simons (1960), Gingerich &
Childress (1983), considered as possibly valid by Gingerich (1996))
T. gidleyi Jepsen, 1930 12a, 12c (type loc. Tiffanian Bighorn
Basin, Wyoming, considered as possible synonym of T. primaevus by
Gingerich (1996))
= T. zeuxis Simpson, 1937 12a, 12c (type loc. Tiffanian Crazy
Mountain Basin, Montana, synonym fide Gingerich
(1996), considered preliminarily as valid by Lucas (1998))
T. major Simons, 1960 [T. majus Simons, 1960, Schiebout, 1974,
Rose, 1981, Lucas, 1998, T. major,
Gingerich & Childress, 1983, Gingerich, 1996, Secord, Gingerich,
Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer, 2006] 12a, 12c (type loc. Tiffanian
Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
T. nanus Gingerich, 1996 12d (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's
Fork Basin, Wyoming)
Owen, 1845
= Loxolophodon Cope, 1872
= Bathmodon Cope, 1872
= Metalophodon Cope, 1872
= Ectacodon Cope, 1882
= Manteodon Cope, 1882
C. proterus Simons, 1960 11a, 12c (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Montana)
C. anthracoideus (de Blainville, 1846) [Lophiodon anthracoideum
de Blainville, 1846] 12b, 12c (type loc. Neustrian Soissonnais,
= C. gosseleti Malaquin, 1899 [incorrectly C. grosseleti] 12b
(type loc. Neustrian Vertain, France)
= C. tsaganensis Reshetov, 1976 (type loc. Gashatan Tsagan-Khushu,
C. eocaenus Owen, 1845 * 12d (type loc. Neustrian near
Harwich, England)
= C. dabuensis Zhai, 1978 (type loc. Gashatan Turpan Basin, China)
C. subquadratus (Cope, 1882) [Manteodon subquadratus Cope, 1882
*] 12d (type loc. Wasatchian Bighorn Basin)
Cyriacotherium Rose & Krause, 1982
C. argyreum Rose & Krause, 1982 * [Sabatherium sacrosanctum nomen nudum] 12a, 12c (type
loc. Tiffanian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
C. psamminum Rose & Krause, 1982 12a, 12c (type loc.
Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
Dysnoetodon Zhang, 1980 (order uncertain,
included in Tillodontia? by Zhang (1980), included in Pantodonta, family
Harpyodidae by McKenna & Bell (1997), excluded from Tillodontia by Wang
& Jin (2004))
D. minuta Zhang, 1980 * 10 (type loc.
Esthonyx Cope, 1874
= Azygonyx Gingerich, 1989 (synonym fide
Lucas & Schoch (1998))
Later species: E. bisulcatus Cope,
1874 * (type loc. Wasatchian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
E. xenicus Gingerich & Gunnell, 1979 9 [Esthonyx
xenicus Gingerich & Gunnell,
1979, Lucas & Schoch, 1998, Azygonyx xenicus, Gingerich, 1989]
(type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
ancylion Gingerich & Gunnell, 1979 10 [Esthonyx
ancylion Gingerich & Gunnell,
1979, Lucas & Schoch, 1998, Azygonyx ancylion, Gingerich, 1989]
(type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
E. grangeri Simpson, 1937 9 [Esthonyx grangeri Simpson, 1937, Lucas & Schoch, 1998, Azygonyx
grangeri, Gingerich, 1989] (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork
Basin, Wyoming)
= Esthonyx latidens Simpson, 1937 10 [Azygonyx latidens, Gingerich, 1989] (type loc.
Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming, synonym fide Gingerich & Gunnell (1979), Lucas & Schoch (1998), considered as valid by Gingerich (1989))
Meiostylodon Wang, 1975
M. zaoshiensis Wang, 1975 * 10 (type loc. Shanghuan Chaling Basin, China)
Interogale Huang & Zheng, 1983 (included
in Anagalida by Huang & Zheng (1983), included in Tillodontia, family
Esthonychidae by Ting & Zhang (1989), included in Tillodontia by Wang &
Jin (2004))
I. datangensis Huang & Zheng, 1983 * 6d, 10 (type loc.
Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China)
Deltatherium Cope, 1881 (order uncertain,
included in Tillodontia by Williamson (1996), excluded from Tillodontia by Wang
& Jin (2004))
= Lipodectes Cope, 1881 (synonym fide
Cope, Matthew (1937))
D. fundaminis Cope, 1881 * 7, 3a (type loc. Torrejonian San
Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Lipodectes penetrans Cope, 1881 * (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan
Basin, New Mexico, synonym fide Cope,
Matthew (1937))
D. dandreai Lucas & Kondrashov, 2004 11e (type loc.
Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Lofochaius Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973
(order uncertain, included in Tillodontia, family Esthonychidae by Chow, Chang,
Wang & Ting, (1973), included in Tillodontia by Wang & Jin (2004))
L. brachyodus Chow, Chang, Wang & Ting, 1973 * 9 (type
loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin, China)
Anchilestes Qiu & Li, 1977 (order
uncertain, included in Zalambdalestidae by Qiu & Li (1977), included in
Tillodontia, family Esthonychidae by Ting & Zhang (1989), excluded from
Tillodontia by Wang & Jin (2004))
A. impolitus Qiu & Li, 1977 * 3b, 6c, 10 (type loc.
Shanghuan Qianshan Basin, China)
Plethorodon Huang & Zheng, 1987 (order
uncertain, included in Pantodonta?, family Plethorodontidae by Huang &
Zheng, (1987), included in Tillodontia by de Muizon & Marshall (1992) and
Wang & Jin (2004))
P. chienshanensis Huang & Zheng, 1987 * 10, 12d (type
loc. Shanghuan Qianshan Basin, China)
Yuesthonyx Tong, Wang & Fu, 2003 (order uncertain,
included in Tillodontia, family Yuesthonychidae by Tong, Wang & Fu (2003),
excluded from Tillodontia by Wang & Jin (2004))
Y. tingae Tong, Wang & Fu, 2003 *
11e (type loc. Nongshanian Tantou Basin, China)
Simplodon Huang & Zheng, 2003 (order uncertain,
included in Tillodontia?, family Esthonychidae? by Huang & Zheng (2003),
included in Tillodontia by Wang & Jin (2004))
S. qianshanensis Huang & Zheng,
2003 * 11e (type loc. Shanghuan Qianshan Basin)
Benaius Wang & Jin, 2004 (included in Tillodontia
inc. sed. by Wang & Jin (2004))
B. qianshuiensis Wang & Jin, 2004
* 11e (type loc.
Conoryctes Cope, 1881
= Hexodon Cope, 1884
C. comma Cope, 1881 * 6a (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Hexodon molestus Cope, 1884 * (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin,
New Mexico)
Conoryctella Gazin, 1939
C. dragonensis Gazin, 1939 * 6a (type loc. Torrejonian Dragon, Utah)
C. pattersoni Schoch & Lucas, 1981 6b (type loc.
Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Onychodectes Cope, 1888
O. tisonensis Cope, 1888 * [incorrectly O. tissonensis, O.
tisonensis tisonensis] 6a (type loc. Puercan San Juan Basin, New
= O. rarus Osborn & Earle, 1895 [O. tisonensis rarus] 6a
(type loc. Puercan San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Huerfanodon Schoch & Lucas, 1981
H. torrejonius Schoch & Lucas, 1981 * 6a (type loc.
Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
H. polecatensis Schoch & Lucas, 1981 6a (type loc.
Torrejonian Rock Bench Quarry, Wyoming)
H.? heilprinianus (Cope, 1882) [Triisodon heilprinianus Cope,
1882, Eoconodon heilprinianus] 6b (type loc. Puercan or Torrejonian
San Juan Basin, nomen dubium)
Schochia Lucas & Williamson, 1993
S. sullivani Lucas & Williamson, 1993 * 6b (type loc.
Puercan San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Psittacotherium Cope, 1882
= Hemiganus Cope, 1882
P. multifragum Cope, 1882 * 6a (type loc.
= P. aspasiae Cope, 1882 6a (type loc.
= P. megalodus Cope, 1887 (type loc.
= Hemiganus vultuosus Cope, 1882 * (type loc.
Wortmania Hay, 1899
W. otariidens (Cope, 1885) * [Hemiganus otariidens Cope, 1885] 6a
(type loc. Puercan San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Ectoganus Cope, 1874
= Lampadophorus Patterson, 1949
= Calamodon Cope, 1874
= Dryptodon Marsh, 1876
= Conicodon Cope, 1894
Later species: E. gliriformis Cope, 1874 * (type loc. Wasatchian San
Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Calamodon simplex Cope, 1874 [Ectoganus simplex] (type loc.
Wasatchian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Calamodon arcamaenus Cope, 1874 [incorrectly Calamodon
arcamnaeus] (type loc. Wasatchian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Calamodon novomehicanus Cope, 1874 [Ectoganus novomehicanus]
(type loc. Wasatchian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
= Dryptodon crassus Marsh, 1879 * (type loc. Wasatchian San Juan Basin,
New Mexico)
?= E. lobdelli (Simpson, 1929)
E. lobdelli (Simpson, 1929) [Psittacotherium? lobdelli Simpson,
1929, Lampadophorus lobdelli, E. gliriformis lobdelli] 6a (type
loc. Clarkforkian Bear Creek, Montana, considered as synonym of E.
gliriformis by Lucas, Schoch & Williamson (1997), considered as valid
by Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer (2006))
= Lampadophorus expectatus Patterson, 1949 6a (type
loc. Clarkforkian Plateau Valley, Colorado)
Later species: E. bighornensis Schoch, 1981 [E. copei bighornensis
Schoch, 1981] (type loc. Wasatchian Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
Occurrence uncertain: E. cf. bighornensis 6b (type
loc. Clarkforkian Togwotee Pass Area, Wyoming)
Phenacolophus Matthew & Granger, 1925
= Procoryphodon Flerov, 1957
?= Yuelophus Zhang, 1978
?= Ganolophus Zhang, 1979
?= Tienshanilophus Tong, 1978
P. fallax Matthew & Granger, 1925 * 12a (type loc.
Gashatan Gashato, Mongolia)
= Procoryphodon primaevus Flerov, 1957 * 8a (type loc.
Gashatan Gashato, Mongolia)
Yuelophus Zhang, 1978 (questionable synonym
of Phenacolophus Matthew & Granger, 1925)
Y. validus Zhang, 1978 * [incorrectly Y. validis] 12a (type
loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China)
Ganolophus Zhang, 1979 [incorrectly Ganilophus]
(questionable synonym of Phenacolophus Matthew & Granger, 1925)
G. lanikenensis Zhang, 1979 * [incorrectly G. lannikenensis] 12a
(type loc. Nongshanian Chijiang Basin, China)
Tienshanilophus Tong, 1978 (questionable synonym of
Phenacolophus Matthew & Granger, 1925)
T. subashiensis Tong, 1978 11c (type loc. Gashatan Turpan
Basin, China)
T. lianmuqiensis Tong, 1978 11c (type loc. Gashatan Turpan
Basin, China)
T. shengjinkouensis Tong, 1978 11c (type loc. Gashatan Turpan
Basin, China)
Minchenella Zhang, 1980 (replacement for Conolophus)
= Conolophus Zhang, 1978 (preoccupied)
M. grandis (Zhang, 1978) * [Conolophus grandis Zhang, 1978 *] 12a
(type loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China)
Radinskya McKenna, Chow, Ting & Luo, 1989
(family uncertain)
R. yupingae McKenna, Chow, Ting & Luo, 1989 * 11c (type
loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong Basin, China)
Eritherium Gheerbrant, 2009
E. azzouzorum Gheerbrant, 2009 11d
(type loc. early Thanetian Sidi Chenane, Morocco)
Tytthaena Gingerich, 1980
T. parrisi Gingerich, 1980 * 4 (type loc. Tiffanian Cedar
Point Quarry, Wyoming)
T. lichna (Rose, 1981) [Oxyaena? lichna, Rose, 1981, Tytthaena lichna, Gunnell & Gingerich, 1991,
Gunnell, 1998] 4 (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin,
Dipsalidictis Matthew, 1915
= Dipsalidictides Denison, 1938
D. platypus Matthew, 1915 * [Oxyaena platypus] 4 (type
loc. Wasatchian Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
D. aequidens (Matthew, 1915) [Oxyaena aequidens Matthew, 1915] 4
(type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
D. krausei Gunnell & Gingerich, 1991 3d (type loc.
Clarkforkian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
D. transiens (Matthew, 1915) [Oxyaena transiens Matthew,
1915] 4 (type loc. Wasatchian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
= D. amplus Jepsen, 1930 [Dipsalidictides amplus *] (type
loc. Wasatchian Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
Oxyaena Cope, 1874
Later species: O. lupina Cope, 1874 * (type loc. Wasatchian San Juan
Basin, New Mexico)
O. sp. 4 (Gashatan Naran-Bulak, Mongolia)
Dipsalodon Jepsen, 1930
D. matthewi Jepsen, 1930 * 4 (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's
Fork Basin, Wyoming)
D. churchillorum Rose, 1981 4 (type loc. Tiffanian Storm
Locality, Wyoming)
Palaeonictis de Blainville, 1842
Later species: P. gigantea de Blainville, 1842 * (type loc. Neustrian
Paris Basin, France)
P. peloria Rose, 1981 4 (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork
Basin, Wyoming)
Occurrence uncertain: P. occidentalis Osborn & Wortman, 1892 3d
(type loc. Wasatchian
Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, questionably also Clarkforkian Piceance Creek Basin,
Prolimnocyon Matthew, 1915
Later species: P. atavus Matthew, 1915 * (type loc.
Occurrence uncertain: cf. P. atavus 3d (Clarkforkian Togwotee
Pass Area,
P. durini (Van Valen, 1978) [Deltatherium durini Van Valen, 1978]
8e (type loc. Torrejonian?
= P. macfaddeni Rigby, 1980 [P.? macfaddeni] 3d (type
loc. Torrejonian Swain Quarry,
P. chowi Meng, Zhai & Wyss, 1998 3d (type loc. Gashatan
P. sp. (Clarkforkian Clark's
Sinopa Leidy, 1871
= Stypolophus Cope, 1872
Later species: S. rapax Leidy, 1871 (type loc. Bridgerian Green River
Occurrence uncertain: "S." sp. 3d (Gashatan
Naran-Bulak, Mongolia)
Tinerhodon Gheerbrant, 1995 (member of
Proviverrinae fide Gheerbrant,
Iarochene, Amaghzaz & Bouya 2006, Solé, Gheerbrant, Amaghzaz & Bouya,
T. disputatum Gheerbrant, 1995 * 3d (type loc. Thanetian
Adrar Mgorn 1,
Lahimia Solé
& Gheerbrant,
L. selloumi Solé & Gheerbrant,
Didymictis Cope, 1875
Later species: D. protenus (Cope, 1874) * [Limnocyon protenus
Cope, 1874, Didymictis protenus,
Cope, 1875] (type loc. Wasatchian San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Later species: D. leptomylus Cope, 1880 6b (type loc.
Wasatchian Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)
D. proteus Simpson, 1937 7 [Didymictis protenus
proteus Simpson, 1937, Rose, 1981, Didymictis
proteus, Polly, 1997, Strait, 2001] (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's Fork
Basin, Wyoming, considered as possible synonym of D. leptomylus by Rose
(1981), presumably considered as synonym of D.
leptomylus by Gingerich (1989), Clyde (2001), Gunnell & Bartels (2001))
D. dellensis Dorr, 1952 6b [Protictis dellensis,
Gingerich & Winkler, 1985, Didymictis
dellensis, Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer, 2006] (type
loc. Tiffanian Dell Creek Quarry, Wyoming, considered as synonym of Didymictis proteus by Polly (1997),
considered as valid by Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer
Protictis Matthew, 1937 (considered as
subgenus of Didymictis by Matthew
(1937), considered as separate genus by MacIntyre (1966))
P. haydenianus (Cope, 1882) * 6a [Didymictis haydenianus
Cope, 1882, Viverravus haydenianus,
Matthew, 1899, Wortman, 1901, Didymictis (Protictis) haydenianus,
Matthew, 1937, Protictis (Protictis) haydenianus, MacIntyre, 1966, Protictis haydenianus, Rose, 1981,
Gingerich & Winkler, 1985] (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin, New
= Didymictis primus Cope, 1884 (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin,
New Mexico, synonym fide Matthew
(1909), Matthew (1937))
P. paralus Holtzman, 1978 7 [Protictis (Protictis) paralus
Holtzman, 1978, Protictis paralus,
Rose, 1981, Gingerich & Winkler, 1985] (type loc. Tiffanian Judson, North
P. agastor Gingerich & Winkler, 1985 6b (type loc.
Tiffanian Cedar Point Quarry, Wyoming)
P. simpsoni Meehan & Wilson, 2002
P. minor Meehan & Wilson, 2002
Bryanictis MacIntyre, 1966 6b (considered
as subgenus of Didymictis by
MacIntyre (1966), considered as separate genus by Rigby (1980), Gingerich &
Winkler (1985))
B. microlestes (Simpson, 1935) * 7 [Didymictis microlestes
Simpson, 1935, Protictis (Bryanictis) microlestes MacIntyre, 1966, Protictis microlestes, Rose, 1981, Bryanictis microlestes,
Rigby, 1980, Gingerich & Winkler, 1985] (type loc. Torrejonian
Gidley Quarry, Montana)
B. paulus Meehan & Wilson, 2002
Intyrictis Gingerich & Winkler, 1985
I. vanvaleni (MacIntyre, 1966) * 6b [Protictis
(Bryanictis) vanvaleni MacIntyre, 1966, Bryanictis vanvaleni, Rigby, 1980, Intyrictis vanvaleni,
Gingerich & Winkler, 1985] (type loc. Torrejonian San Juan Basin,
New Mexico)
Raphictis Gingerich & Winkler, 1985
R. gausion Gingerich & Winkler, 1985 * 6b (type loc. Tiffanian Cedar Point Quarry,
Viverravus Marsh, 1872
= Triacodon Marsh, 1871 (suppressed by the ICZN in 1988, not Triacodon Cope, 1872)
Later species: V. gracilis Marsh, 1872 * (type loc. Bridgerian Wyoming)
V. acutus Matthew & Granger, 1915 6 (type loc. Wasatchian
Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
V. politus Matthew & Granger, 1915 7 (type loc.
Wasatchian Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming)
V. schaffi (Gingerich & Winkler,
1985) 6b [Protictis
schaffi Gingerich & Winkler, 1985, Viverravus
schaffi Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer, 2006] (type
loc. Tiffanian Schaff Quarry, Wyoming, considered as synonym of V. politus by Polly (1997), considered
as valid by Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer (2006))
V. laytoni (Gingerich & Winkler, 1985) 6b [Protictis
laytoni Gingerich & Winkler, 1985, Viverravus
laytoni, Polly, 1997, Secord, Gingerich, Smith, Clyde, Wilf & Singer,
2006] (type loc. Tiffanian Princeton Quarry, Wyoming)
= V. bowni Gingerich, 1987 6b (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's
Fork Basin, Wyoming, synonym fide Polly
V. rosei Polly, 1997
Simpsonictis MacIntyre, 1962 (considered as
subgenus of Protictis by MacIntyre
(1966), considered as separate genus by Rigby (1980), Gingerich & Winkler
S. tenuis (Simpson, 1935) * 6a [Didymictis tenuis
Simpson, 1935, Simpsonictis tenuis,
MacIntyre, 1962, Rigby, 1980, Gingerich & Winkler, 1985, Protictis
(Simpsonictis) tenuis, MacIntyre,
1966, Protictis tenuis,
Rose 1981] (type loc. Torrejonian Gidley Quarry, Montana)
S. jaynanneae Rigby, 1980 6b (type loc. Torrejonian Swain
Quarry, Wyoming, considered as probable synonym of S. tenuis by
Gingerich & Winkler (1985))
S. pegus Gingerich & Winkler, 1985 6a (type loc.
Torrejonian Rock Bench Quarry, Wyoming)
Pristinictis Fox & Youzwyshyn, 1994
P. connata Fox & Youzwyshyn, 1994 * 6b (type loc. Tiffanian Cochrane 2, Alberta)
Ictidopappus Simpson, 1935
I. mustelinus Simpson, 1935 * 6a (type loc. Torrejonian
Gidley Quarry, Montana)
Pappictidops Qiu & Li, 1977
P. orientalis Qiu & Li, 1977 * 7 (type loc. Shanghuan Qianshan Basin, China)
P. acies Wang, 1978 6b (type loc. Shanghuan Nanxiong Basin,
P. obtusus Wang, 1978 6b (type loc. Nangxiong Basin
Uintacyon Leidy, 1872
= Triacodon Cope, 1872 (questionable synonym fide McKenna &
Later species: U. edax Leidy, 1872 * (type loc.
U. rudis Matthew, 1915 6b [Uintacyon massetericus rudis
Matthew, 1915, Uintacyon rudis, Rose,
1981] (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's
Ravenictis Fox & Youzwyshyn, 1994
R. krausei Fox & Youzwyshyn, 1994 *
Riostegotherium Oliveira & Bergqvist, 1998
R. yanei Oliveira & Bergqvist, 1998 * 5 (type loc.
Itaboraian/Riochican Itaboraí, Brazil)
Escavadodon Rose & Lucas, 2000
E. zygus Rose & Lucas, 2000 * 5d (type loc. Torrejonian
San Juan Basin, New Mexico)
Amelotabes Rose, 1978
A. simpsoni Rose, 1978 * 5a (type loc. Tiffanian near Croc
Tooth Quarry, Wyoming)
Palaeanodon Matthew, 1918
species: P. ignavus Matthew, 1918 * (type loc. Wasatchian Bighorn Basin,
P. parvulus Matthew, 1918 5a (type loc. Clarkforkian Clark's
Fork Basin, Wyoming)
Propalaeanodon Rose, 1979
P. schaffi Rose, 1979 * 5a (type loc. Tiffanian Princeton
Quarry, Wyoming)
Mylanodon Secord, Gingerich & Bloch, 2002
M. rosei Secord, Gingerich & Bloch, 2002 * 5d (type loc.
Tiffanian Y2K Quarry, Wyoming)
Melaniella Fox, 1984 (Palaeanodonta?)
M. timosa Fox, 1984 * 5a (type loc. Tiffanian UADW-2,
Ernanodon Ting, 1979
E. antelios Ting, 1979 * 5a (type loc. Nongshanian Nanxiong
Basin, China)
Asiabradypus Nessov, 1987
A. incompositus Nessov, 1987 * 5a (type loc. Gashatan Zhylga
1a, Kazakhstan)
Alostera Fox, 1989
Occurrence uncertain: A. saskatchewanensis Fox, 1989 * 13
(type loc. Lancian Wounded Knee Local Fauna, Saskatchewan, Puercan specimens
Mingotherium Schoch, 1985 (Uintatheriamorpha?)
M. holtae Schoch, 1985 * 13 (type loc. Tiffanian? Santee Rediversion Canal,
South Carolina)
Horolodectes Scott, Webb & Fox, 2006
H. sunae Scott, Webb & Fox, 2006
* 13 (type loc. Tiffanian Alberta)
Wanotherium Tang & Yan, 1976
W. xuanchengensis Tang & Yan, 1976 * 13 (type loc.
Gashatan Xuancheng Basin, China)
Obtususdon Xu, 1977
O. hanhuaensis Xu, 1977 * 13 (type loc. Nongshanian Qianshan
Basin, China)
Ganungulatum Ting,
Meng, Li, Wang, Tong, Schiebout, Koch, Clyde & Bowen, 2007 (Ungulata,
possibly related to a group basal to Artiodactyla fide Ting et al. (2007))
G. xincunliense Ting, Meng, Li, Wang,
Tong, Schiebout, Koch, Clyde & Bowen, 2007 * 13 (type loc.
Nongshanian Chijiang Basin, China)